Greater Manchester’s Lockdown: The Impact
Although Leicester was the first region in England to experience ‘local lockdowns’, on the 3rd August a ‘major incident’ was declared in Greater Manchester due to a surge in positive cases of COVID-19.
The restrictions include that two households cannot meet in hospitality venues and people are unable to visit loved ones in care homes unless in exceptional circumstances.
Greater Manchester is made up of 10 council boroughs which covers a population of nearly 3 million people -one of the biggest areas in the UK.
As a result, experiences of COVID 19 vary considerably. As I write, Wigan will be lifted out of restriction measures on the 26th August due to having the lowest rates in the region. However, just outside of the region, parts of Blackburn (an industrial town) are still in the grip of these measures. However, restrictions in some parts of Blackburn have been eased which suggests that councils are being more detailed in their data. ...
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