Professor Mark Hart, Deputy Director, Enterprise Research Centre and Aston Business School
Since COP26 the net zero agenda has been somewhat overtaken by geo-political events and the recent Levelling-up White Paper has been criticised for side-lining the net zero agenda as it set out its 12 missions to redress regional inequalities in the UK. The climate challenge and the need for action by governments, big business, and households is paramount. Yet there will be no transition to net zero without small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
Why would small business leaders adopt net zero practices?
Many SMEs are still reluctant to transition to green business models: viewing investments as costly, not fitting with the traditional business model and contradictory to business performance. Is this true?
A recent report by the Enterprise Research Centre shows that it is not necessarily a trade-off. A small business can contribute to the climate emergency agenda wit...
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