By Oleg Konovalov - -
Dr. Oleg Konovalov is a global thought leader, consultant and C-suite coach based in West Midlands. Having been named as ‘the da Vinci of Visionary Leadership’ by many leading authorities of our time, Oleg is on the Thinkers50 Radar, Global Gurus Top 30 in Leadership, has been recognized as #1 Global Thought Leader on Culture by Thinkers 360, and is #1 Global Leading Coach (Marshall Goldsmith Thinkers50).
He is the author of - The Vision Code: How To Create And Execute A Compelling Vision For Your Business
We are living in a time of leadership blindness. Less than 0.1% of leaders have vision. So, the vast majority of leaders are not leading people. We hardly know where we lead ourselves and others. There are millions of businesses that are meaningless and they are dying as insects because leaders are not thinking about making their businesses meaningful. The difference between meaningless and meaningful a...
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