Home Featured UK-India Trade Deal Is A Natural Fit

UK-India Trade Deal Is A Natural Fit

by Keerat

By Shehla Hasan, CBI Head of Group - India & South Asia
India and the United Kingdom share a contemporary partnership fashioned by historical ties. There has been significant bilateral cooperation over the years from trade and investment to security and climate change.
As the UK begins to control its own independent trade policy for the first time in over 40 years. We have the dual challenge of re-casting our role with our partners internationally whilst levelling up prosperity locally across Britain.
Businesses are looking at the glass half-full. The UK has a real opportunity to create sustainable, inclusive jobs, rebuilding from covid and place itself at the fore of free trade on the international stage, as it heads up both the G7 and COP26 later this year. The extension of the G7 invitation by the UK to Prime Minister Modi signals the closeness of our two countries and is a real sign India is too playing a bigger role in tackling global challenges.
The UK-India economic r...

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