Home Entrepreneurship The capacity to influence the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself.

The capacity to influence the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself.

by The Business Influencer

In the not far distant past, most influencers were in existence because of their presence on either one of two channels or regular appearances in newspapers and magazines. They were heavily reliant on the expertise of marketing and PR agencies.
So why all the fuss ? We have entered the world where everyone because of platforms such as Tik Tok, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn can now become influencers and where algorithms can allow an individual to become an influencer globally. Everyone individual is now a PR company and capable of telling a story without the need for an external agent.
But as a business leader or entrepreneur – Is it important to have a profile ? Is it essential that you
become an influencer on the back of your profile – is it important to have a presence on social media?
Or should you stick to your ‘day’ job ?
Why would you want to become an influencer ? There is clear evidence that influencers who have the power to influence can increase the...

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