Home Featured Our Behaviour Remains Our Best Tool Against The Demands of Covid-19 – What We Can Learn From New Zealand

Our Behaviour Remains Our Best Tool Against The Demands of Covid-19 – What We Can Learn From New Zealand

by Keerat

By Dr Sarb Johal - Clinical Psychologist, Consultant, Speaker and Media Commentator
Most people have been looking for a clean break from the trials of 2020. The advent of safe and approved vaccines have given many hope that the worst may be over. However, now that we are well into 2021, it’s clear that the increased uncertainty we have been experiencing is far from over. And the World Health Organisation has indicated that, at a global level, the number of deaths attributable to the pandemic may be even higher in 2021 than in 2020.
All this uncertainty has implications for so many areas of our lives. Pressing questions such as: how can we keep ourselves and our loved ones safe? How do I run my business now? When will international travel start to become easier again? What does the future hold for my family, my business, our country, our international community? How can I secure an income that enables me to live above the breadline? How can I ever prosper again? Even though the v...

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