By Neil Rami, Chief Executive at the West Midlands Growth Company – the region’s promotion and economic development agency.
The home of the first Industrial Revolution, could history be about to repeat itself in the West Midlands?
The UK’s race to a net-zero future by 2050 has had a fresh burst of energy last year, as the Government launched its widely anticipated 10 Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution.
Marrying the environmental necessity of decarbonisation with its economic potential, the Plan could be a watershed moment for the UK economy, not least because it forges a clear path for recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic.
It is especially significant for UK regions like the West Midlands, where the engines of productivity and earning power across the country’s traditional industries lie.
As Government prepares its next steps in green policy provision, it is essential these regional strengths are fully recognised, along with the valuable role they play in main...
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