Jason Langford-Brown, Coaching Psychologist & Founder - The Director’s Circle
If you want to be more influential as a leader, be able to manage conflict, foster teamwork and develop and inspire individuals, then EQ, (Emotional Intelligence) sometimes known as EI is a non-negotiable for any leader.
Studies have shown that nearly 90% of a leader’s success will come from their EQ as opposed to their IQ and technical skill set. So why is there still so much emphasis on the latter, even at a senior level? Can EQ even be fully understood, let alone learned and developed as a skill? Well, the answer to the last question is a resounding YES but first let’s define what it is.
What is EQ?
Daniel Goleman, author of the book Emotional Intelligence, and widely accepted as the modern-day expert on the subject, defines Emotional Intelligence as; “the ability to identify, assess and control one’s own emotions, the emotions of others and that of groups” as opposed to IQ which could be...
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