Home Featured EXCELLENCE


By Rajendra Patel

by Keerat

Rajendra Patel, Chief Patron – Universal Business School



Excellence is a value that everyone in the organization, from the CEO to the newest hires, should embody and foster. It starts at the top with setting clear expectations for what excellence looks like for your team and how you will achieve it.

Then it’s important to have individual leaders make sure everyone on their teams knows what is expected of them and how they can contribute toward achieving this goal. Some people may think that focusing on team excellence would mean ignoring personal goals or performance metrics, but we believe taking care of both sides is essential to being successful as an organization.

Performance management systems should be used to set clearly defined goals for each person at every level, so they know where they are headed and why?

Creating an environment where people feel comfortable asking questions and talking about issues is key to creating a culture of transparency around performance management. To reach excellence, here are some important & relevant areas you need to work on…


Communication Skills

Communication is a means to connect and express yourself. Communication is also a way to get your message across, whether through writing or speaking.

Communication skills are important because they help you convey information from one person to another in an effective manner. For communication to be successful, however, there must be a mutual understanding between the sender and receiver(s). This can only happen when both parties have clear goals for their communications and understand how each other thinks about those goals.


Functional Skills

The following skills are essential for effective job performance:

• Good understanding of the tasks and responsibilities of your job. You must know what to do when to do it, how much time it will take, and who else needs to be involved to complete a task effectively and efficiently.

• Ability to use tools and equipment properly; ability to work with others as part of a team; communication skills that allow you to communicate effectively with others (both verbally and nonverbally).



Technical Skills

• Coding: This skill is important for any developer and it’s also an important part of the job. You will be expected to have a solid understanding of how the code works and how it should function in its current state.

• Data Analysis: The ability to analyze data and come up with conclusions based on that analysis is vital for data scientists who want their work done right and quickly. You need to be able to understand what needs fixing, who needs fixing, and why they’re not working properly (or if they are).

• Data Visualization: A visualization is just an image or chart that shows information in an easy-to-understand way so people can easily see what’s happening at different times throughout your organization’s life cycle – whether it be during development or after deployment into production environments where your users will use them every day for years!


Behavioral Skill

Behavioral skills are the skills that help you to interact with other people. They include communication skills, listening skills, and conflict resolution skills.

Communication is important in the workplace because it helps you to work well with others. When we communicate effectively, we can build relationships with our colleagues and customers that will last for years to come.

Listening is also an essential part of being an excellent employee: if your boss wants something from you but doesn’t give him/herself enough time or opportunity for reflection (e.g., when he/she’s too busy), then he/she might not hear what s/he needs from his/her employees!

This means that if there’s any problem at work then someone has failed to listen properly – which makes them liable for any mistakes made by their team members who weren’t given enough time off during working hours.”


Social Skills

Social skills are the skills that help you interact with other people. They’re important in business, personal and professional relationships, as well as friendships.

Social skills include things like listening, speaking, making eye contact, and body language. This makes it easier for you to communicate effectively with others so they understand what you want them to do or how they can help you solve a problem. For example:

• Listening – When someone talks to us it’s important not only to hear what they’re saying but also to pay attention by focusing on their tone of voice and facial expressions rather than just listening for words. If we miss any part of what was said, we may find ourselves insensitive or rude instead! An easy way around this issue is simply asking questions about what has been said so that both parties know where each other stands about agreeing upon something specific (e.g., “Do I understand correctly?”).



Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving is the ability to identify and analyze a problem and then devise a solution. The process of problem-solving is the process of defining and clarifying the problem, generating possible solutions, selecting a solution, and implementing it.

Problem-solving skills allow you to deal with challenges effectively so that you can achieve your goals. You will be able to think critically about what’s happening around you so that you can make decisions about how best to respond or handle situations in different ways based on your own experiences or knowledge base (or lack thereof).


Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking is the ability to analyze, evaluate and solve problems. It’s a skill that can be developed by anyone, but it’s especially important for those who want to lead successful teams or businesses because it helps them identify problems before they become big ones.

Critical thinkers use their critical thinking skills in all aspects of life: from making decisions at work to asking questions about the world around them. They think about what information is available so that they can make good decisions based on facts instead of assumptions or guesses. They also question assumptions made by others—even those with authority over them!

Critical thinking isn’t just about making decisions—it’s also about asking the right questions when dealing with complex situations (like being told “no”) where there might not be an obvious answer right away; this is where having some knowledge beforehand comes in handy!



Business Acumen

Business acumen is a combination of the ability to think strategically, problem-solve, and execute.
Business acumen is important for all types of businesses, including small businesses and large corporations. It helps companies make decisions about their operations and growth strategies based on data that are collected from market research or other sources.

A company with business acumen will often have an advantage over competitors who don’t have it because they can better identify trends in their industry or predict, how customers will react to new products or services before competitors do so themselves!

Business acumen also plays an important role when it comes to attracting employees; if you’re able to attract talented people who are good at what they do, then your company has an easier time growing as well!



Curiosity is the most important trait of a good leader. It’s not just an academic concept; it’s what drives innovation and creativity, learning, success, and life itself.

In an interview with Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard University in 2016, he says that curiosity is the key to innovation: “When you’re curious about something you want to learn more about it.” This can be applied even outside of business or industry–for example, when we find ourselves interested in learning how our bodies work (e.g., how our brains work) or even how other people operate so we can better understand them as well as ourselves!



Creativity is the ability to think of new and different ideas, solutions, and ways of doing things. It’s a key skill for all people in business. Creativity can help you solve problems and come up with new ideas.

Creativity is a skill that can be learned, but it takes practice! You’ll need time to observe your surroundings, think outside the box, listen carefully to what others are saying about their work or hobby, etc., then brainstorm solutions based on your observations!

If you’re not sure where or how to begin building up this type of thinking muscle (or if you have any questions about it) …



Current Affairs

Current affairs are a part of every competitive exam and help you to be updated with the current events in the world. It is important for every job applicant, and it helps them to know about their future employers’ expectations of them.

The importance of current affairs cannot be stressed enough as they help you to be aware of the latest developments in the world and also help you get an idea about what people think about certain issues or topics; this is why students should learn about these things before appearing for exams or interviews.


Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) is a set of techniques, technologies, and practices that help organizations gain insight into their business operations. It helps you make better decisions by providing information about your organization’s effectiveness and performance. BI can be used to analyze data from internal sources or external sources. In this section we’ll discuss how to use BI to improve your company’s performance:

• Analyze your data so you can understand what’s happening with your business right now (and predict future trends).

• Identify opportunities for change that will improve profitability and productivity over time by identifying what’s working well within the organization today—and where improvement could lead them in the future if they continue their current course. Make changes quickly when necessary so those improvements are made quickly as well.

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