Jitha Singh, Managing Director - CBS Packaging
Article by Ninder Johal - Photos by Edwin Ladd
Video on Jitha Singh's 3 Tips for Entrepreneurs Available HERE
Entrepreneurs by nature are risk takers and look to disrupt their marketplace but as their business models mature – certainty and the ability to plan accordingly becomes more important particularly as they look to scale.
The last 18 months for anybody operating in the UK has had two huge volcanic shifts – the pandemic and Brexit.
Anybody who meets Jitha will be instantly thrown by his smile and endless energy. He moves around his factory with speed whilst barking out orders. As a manufacturer of cardboards boxes based in the Black Country, he nods and engages easily with his heavily masked employees. There is an exchange of rapid conversation whilst he forensically inspects the quality of the boxes.
He turns to me and points me in the direction of the office. He leads the way whilst acknowledging every...
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