By Zaki Cooper & Nick Loughran, Co-Founders - Integra Group
Zaki Cooper
Nick Loughran
The historic occasion of a Platinum Jubilee, marking 70 years of the Queen’s reign, has almost arrived. This Sunday will be exactly seven decades to the day since the Queen became Sovereign on the death of her father.
The nineteenth century essayist Walter Bagehot once wrote "a royal family sweetens politics by the seasonable addition of nice and pretty events". But what does the Jubilee mean for economics and business?
If an economy is built on what Keynes called animal spirits, the upbeat occasion of a Jubilee should increase consumer confidence. That is why many well-known brands have been keen to associate themselves with the Platinum Jubilee by sponsoring spectacular events that will take place over the Jubilee Weekend in June. Burberry, M&S, McDonald’s and other large corporates have recognised the benefit of association with the Royal magic.
Granted there is an eco...
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