Home Featured Turning Health & Care Upside Down To Level-Up Wellness & Productivity

Turning Health & Care Upside Down To Level-Up Wellness & Productivity

By Robert Franks

by Keerat

Robert Franks, Managing Director - WM5G
Robert Franks
The West Midlands is becoming the first region in the UK to shorten cancer diagnosis lead times, boost prevention and improve care by leveraging technology at scale to transform wellness and productivity as part of the region’s pioneering Levelling Up Deeper Devolution Deal.
Despite the herculean efforts of health & care professionals, the West Midlands, like the rest of the UK, is facing an unprecedented backlog for diagnosis, treatment and care. In England there are a record 7 million people waiting for hospital treatment, the percentage of A&E patients dealt with inside the target time of four hours is at a decade low and the proportion of people receiving long-term social care packages from local councils has declined by two thirds in the last decade, despite increasing demand.
As the CEO of the Care Quality Commission – the regulator for the health sector – said in October 2022: “People are stuck in hospital beca...

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