Home Book Review Guvvy Sandhu – Book Review

Guvvy Sandhu – Book Review

by Keerat

By Guvvy Sandhu, Corporate Lawyer - Mackrell. Solicitors
For those of you that follow me on Linked In, you will know that not only do I help business owners and entrepreneurs buy and sell businesses but I like to talk about books that I read (given that my day job involves reading hundreds of pages, you would think more reading is that last thing I should doing!).
Here are a few of the books I enjoy reading the most (and as a corporate lawyer I do have to add a disclaimer that you will of course form your own views). I read these books as they provide a refreshing perspective on characteristics such as resilience and negotiating (which are all necessary in the world of business!).
1. Thinking, Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman

This book identifies that we may have two “systems” running our behaviour - System 1 and System 2.
When we engage System 1, it is generally an automatic response (have you ever turned your head when someone nearby shouts out a name (eve...

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