Home Featured Can The Energy Industry Be A Net Zero Hero?

Can The Energy Industry Be A Net Zero Hero?

by Keerat

As the UK targets net zero by 2050, what will this mean for the future of the energy industry? Harsha Anand, Chief Evangelist at global knowledge enterprise Enzen, explains why the energy networks of tomorrow will be transactive, federated, operate in real-time and driven by huge volumes of data.
In June 2019, the UK became the first major economy in the world to commit to bringing all its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. It’s a critical objective that requires ingenuity, collaboration, new business models and an expansion in low carbon technologies like wind turbines, solar panels and battery storage.
These constitute what’s known as distributed generation, where power generated from these installations is connected directly to the distribution network – typically the tail-end of the energy network – as opposed to the traditional top-down flow of power from transmission to distribution networks.

This decentralised model offers greater efficiencies and lower emissi...

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