Written By Rany Athwall - lets-talk@ranyathwall.com www.ranyathwall.com
Workplaces and businesses are facing a mental health crisis with the impact of Covid-19.
As people start returning to work, going back to the old with the new isn't going to be an easy task for anyone. The working conditions will have changed, the environment will feel different, and the mental state of management and work colleagues will also be different. Many will be walking into an intense period of re-building, starting again and much uncertainty.
Naturally, and understandably, there will also be the worry of contracting the virus, especially for the high-risk groups, and these people won't be coming back to work with any enthusiasm. Likewise, there will be the many who have become comfortable earning under the furlough scheme and also not eager to return.
Combining all of these new challenges, it will be an even harder time for employers should they choose to discard the mental well-being of their sta...
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