Christopher Greenough – Chief Commercial Officer at SDE Technology
Forget the headwinds of the past few years, for 2023 brings great opportunities for the UK manufacturing sector to rebuild its once prosperous supply chain. There is a real push from both consumers and makers to reshore and produce locally for local demand.
The issues around the World have shown that we have far too much reliance on others for our food, energy, and vital components for our Automotive sector. So, we need to find ways of becoming more self-sufficient, and taking the words of Abraham Lincoln, “The greatest fine art of the future will be the making of a comfortable living from a small piece of land.”
I would encourage all to think about their next purchase of food, goods and larger spends, and ask the question of how will it help support and protect our UK jobs and how we can use this demand push to suppliers to bring back production to the UK.
America had their push to support their o...
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